Field Trips
Travellers Rest Historic House Museum’s education programs are offered year-round or seasonally. The average length of each program is listed but may vary due to size of group and involvement in program. Please allow plenty of time for your group to enjoy the full program. Additional activities may be added to each of our education programs.
For those who do not have a group of 15 or more, “Home School Days” provide the perfect opportunity to register for a program without a minimum number of students required.
Choose from field trips listed below or customize a program with add-on activities that are more specific to your needs. Please Contact Us for any additional information.
Education Program FAQs regarding Refunds, Postponements & Cancellations
Chaperone Policy for Field Trips
Year-Round Field Trips

World of the Overtons
Experience what life was like at Travellers Rest during the early 1800s! Write with quill pens, play with old-fashioned toys & games, and visit the one-room schoolhouse! Each station includes information on the enslaved experience and add-on activities are available.
Historic House Tour – One-Room Schoolhouse – Old-Fashioned Toys & Games – Quill Pen Writing
Cost: $8 per student/ $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: K-4th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.

Antique Amusements
Before the days of video games and television, kids and adults alike passed the time with “amusements”. Often these “amusements” had their basis in the newest science discoveries of the day. Join us in exploring everything from optical illusions to parlor games and have a most amusing time learning science, art, and math…19th century style!
History of Play House Tour – Toys & Games – Build Your Own Toy – Antique Animations
Cost: $8 per student/ $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: K-4th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.

Into the Wilderness
Travel back in time to when Tennessee marked the western frontier and learn about the world of soldiers, settlers, and Native Americans. Discover the Nashville of 200 years ago and along the way learn about some interesting Tennessee characters like James Robertson, Sam Houston, Dragging Canoe, Bob Renfro and more!
Historic House Tour – Gorget Making – Militia Drill & Life of a Soldier – Frontier Schoolhouse
Cost: $8 per student/ $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: 3rd -12th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.

Mystery of the Mississippians
Explore one of America’s greatest mysteries…the Mississippians. Approximately 1,000 years ago, these pre-historic Native Americans built a village on the land now occupied by Travellers Rest. The Mississippians built a complex culture and then one day their civilization disappeared. Archaeologists are still trying to understand and unravel the complex history of the Mississippians. Explore the mystery and learn more about Tennessee’s first people…
Storytelling & Presentation – Artifact sharing – Gorget making – House tour may be added for an additional $2 per student
Cost: $8 per student/ $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: 1st – 6th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.

Nashville 1864
In the winter of 1864, the fields and orchards near Travellers Rest became a battlefield. Learn how the soldiers lived and fought. Hear the stories of the civilians who found themselves caught between two armies. Understand the impact of this conflict on the lives of the enslaved. Explore the story of the Civil War in Middle Tennessee through the experiences of those at Travellers Rest and the Battle of Nashville.
Civil War House Tour – Autograph books – Soldier Drill & Life of a Soldier
Miss Annie’s Schoolhouse
Cost: $8 per student/ $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: 4th-12th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation

A Past Uncovered
The Story of the Enslaved People of Travellers Rest. A program that focuses on the lives of the enslaved workers who lived, loved, and lost at Travellers Rest. Learn about the daily lives of the enslaved at Travellers Rest through primary sources and artifact sharing. From the weaver Matilda to the blacksmith Harry, we will share and explore information uncovered about the individuals who were enslaved here.
Up in the Big House (House Tour) - A Past Uncovered Exhibit & Discussion - Candle Making - A Peek into the Past Activity
Student Cost - $8.00 & Title I - $5.00
Program Duration: 2 Hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for grades: 4th – 12th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation
Seasonal Programs

Trades Festival
This once-a-year event focuses on the historic trades that shaped America. From blacksmithing to lace making, artisans are on site to demonstrate a variety of early American trades. In addition, there are tons of activities to engage students – candle dipping, doll making, quill pens, and much more! This event is held in the fall with dates to be announced in August.
Hands-on Activities – Historic Trades – 19th Century Life
Cost: $8 per student/ $5 Title I
Program Duration: flexible
Add-on Activities: N/A
Best for Grades: All
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.
2025 Historic Trades Dates will be announced in August

Hearth & Harvest
The hearth was the “heart” of every early 19th century home. Around the fire meals were cooked, stories told, and traditions passed from generation to generation. The harvest was the busiest and most bountiful time on the farm. For the enslaved workers “hog-killing time” was difficult work, but also a break from the routine labor of the plantation. Both the hearth and the harvest have been celebrated throughout time and across cultures.
Illuminating the Past house tour – Candle dipping – Food tasting & Food preservation
Cost: $8 per student / $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 Hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: 1st -8th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.

Hearth & Holly
Experience an early 1800s Christmas and discover how the holidays were celebrated before Christmas trees and Santa Claus! Christmas wasn’t just for the “Big House”, it also was a time of celebration for the enslaved workers. Learn how Christmas for the Overton family was different for the enslaved workers. A great program to compare and contrast! Tour the historic house filled with early 19th century holiday decorations, dance the Virginia Reel, sample a historic treat called syllabub. Add on activities available.
Holiday House Tour – Dance the Virginia Reel – Syllabub Tasting – Quill Pen writing – Holiday Cards
Cost: $8 per student / $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 Hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: K-4th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.

Victorian Valentine’s Day
Enjoy dancing the Virginia Reel, make a Valentine for the birds, practice woodblock printing, and tour the historic house. Along the way you’ll learn the history of Valentine’s Day, hear some sweet stories of Travellers Rest, and engage in some of the customs that made this holiday a favorite in Victorian times.
LOVE-ly House tour – Woodblock printing – Valentines's card – Magnolia bird feeder – Dance the Virginia Reel
Cost: $8 per student / $5 Title I
Program Duration: 2 Hours
Add-on Activities Available
Best for Grades: K-4th
Please Contact Us for any additional information and to make a reservation.
Traveling Through Time
Trunk Programs

Can’t make it to us, no worries, let us bring history to you with our Travelling Trunks! From the Moundbuilders to the Civil War we offer a unique selection of programs for your classroom. All trunks are $5 per student with a $25 trunk fee/ minimum number of students 25, maximum number 150. Presented by a museum educator.
Mystery of the Mississippians

The Mystery of the Mississippians brought to your classroom! Program includes a slideshow, artifact sharing, storytelling, and gorget making.
Please Contact Us for any additional information.
Antique Amusements
Let your students explore the history of PLAY with this “amusing” traveling trunk. Program includes learning about and experiencing the science and fun of 19th century toys. Students will participate in play and make their own 19th century toy!
Please Contact Us for any additional information.
Touched with Fire
Explore the story of the American Civil War in Middle Tennessee through the experiences of soldiers, civilians, and the enslaved. This program includes a slideshow, artifact sharing, Signal Flag activity, soldier drills, and learning a Civil War spy code.
Please Contact Us for any additional information.
A Past Uncovered
Learn about the daily lives of the enslaved through primary resources, artifact sharing, and hand-on learning. Program includes a slideshow, artifact sharing, storytelling, and a choice of hands-on activities
BOOK A Program!
If you are looking for curriculum-based program presented by trained educators…give us a call! Contact Andy at 615.832.8197. ext 15 or
We are grateful to The Marlene and Spencer Hays Foundation, our 2024 Lead Sponsor of Youth Educational Programming.